I want to welcome each and every one of you to the very first post kicking off our 5th anniversary festivities! There will be lots of fun, games, challenges and AMAZING prizes over the course of the next ten days and we hope you plan on joining us for every single one of them! First, let me share today's sneak peeks of some of the products that are coming up later this release!
First up is a new super-sized floral collection from Tiffany Pastor that embraces her signature vintage grunge flair. The images and die collection can be paired and layered in endless ways
The Think Big Favorites collection continues, this month featuring larger versions of birthday sentiments taken from 2011 Birthday Tags stamp set. A true stamper can never have enough birthday stamps!
The last peek for today is of a new 2-step background set I designed. The versatility and color combination options for this new set are literally limitless!
And now onto the announcements for today's anniversary festivities! Today I get the opportunity to re-introduce our design team members. Each of these ladies are such an important part of our company. Not only do they provide endless amounts of inspiration for ALL of us, they are also able to look at products in unique ways and showcase how each one can be used in ways we would never have imagined. I always like to dedicate the first day of anniversary festivities to celebrating their talents! Since it is our 5th Anniversary, I have asked each of them to share their Top 5 Favorite products as well as a special memory from their time with Papertrey!
Ashley Cannon Newell is a true super star within the paper crafting industry and her signature style is one of the many things that make her such a valuable member of the team. Not only is she able to infuse products with new life and purpose, she has an amazing sense of color & design that provides a unique perspective. Even though Ashley has only been with us a short time, she has tackled new responsibilities with vigor and executes every task & assignment to perfection. I feel truly blessed to have the opportunity to know her and have the opportunity to work with her.
"Although I'm the newbie on the team (starting in November 2011), I've already experienced some great moments. A funny moment from behind the scenes involved a forum message from Jenn that she was trying to make me green. I was a bit confused as to why she would want me to be green. But after a few minutes, I realized she was trying to change my forum account to a different status. Now, I'm green!"
CLICK HERE to see more about Ashley Cannon Newell's favorite project & products.
Betsy Veldman has been with us since 2008, and she has really grown so much as a stamper and designer since joining the team. Without fail after each group post, every newsletter I am left thinking "Now why didn't I think of that!" She is just so clever, especially with her unique uses for dies. She is always so good about pairing up new and old products together as if they were made to coordinate. Betsy's use of bright colors is always like a ray of sunshine coming through the computer screen. It is an absolute honor to work with her, to have the opportunity to work with someone that is so unbelievably talented, punctual, thorough, creative and just overall an amazing person inside and out.
"The email from Nichole asking me to join the team came on a Saturday afternoon back in September of 2008. I was absolutely thrilled and astonished to say the least! I have enjoyed absolutely ever product release since then...all 41 (WOW!) of them! I want to thank Nichole and team for the oportunity, and for continuing to inspire me with month after month of innovative new products! One of my favorite memories from the past 3 years was getting to meet the team and many of the customers at the first Stamp-a-Faire event. The funniest (scariest) memory? The 45 minutes we spent looking for the box of clear blocks at 1 AM the night before Stamp-a-Faire! For those few minutes, we were more than a bit panicked thinking that 200 stampers were coming and we would have nothing to stamp with!"
CLICK HERE to see more about Betsy Veldman's favorite project & products.
Danielle Flanders has been with us for a year, but she has fit in so seamlessly that it seems as though she has been with us forever. Every time I visit Danielle's blog, I feel as though I am teleported into a crafty interpretation of Country Living magazine. The wonderful homespun feeling she is able to infuse into each of her creations is one of her many great gifts, in addition to the heart you can see she pours into everything she does. Asking Danielle to join the team has been one of the best decisions I have ever made and I am extraordinarily proud of her and all of her many accomplishments.
"I've been with Papertrey Ink since February of 2011, and what a year it has been! Becoming a design team member here has been one of the best things that happened to me, getting to know all of the warm, friendly designers, and becoming like a family has been a wonderful experience for me. I have learned a lot about myself as a designer also. I love the challenges each month that push me beyond my comfort zone. Playing with these amazing products has really ignited my passion for paper crafting again!"
CLICK HERE to see more about Danielle Flanders' favorite project & products.
Dawn McVey is well known for her witty humor, her bright & bold color choices and the amazing layering she always seems to incorporate flawlessly into her projects. Her contributions to Papertrey over the last 3-1/2 years are innumerable and appreciated more than I can express. We have all become enamored with the quantity & quality of the projects she creates each month for the countdowns, especially when introducing product of her own design. Her bubbly, vivacious personality shines through in both her projects and the conversational tone of her blog posts. Dawn brings an endless amount of joy into my life and I count her dedication, her creativity, her friendship and her kindness among my many blessings.
"I started with Papertrey back in July of 2008 and have had so many wonderful experiences with Papertrey over the years....joining the design team, the friendships I've made with the girls on the team as well as the customers, designing my own line of products, being promoted to the Senior design team, and of course, all of the wonderful Papertrey events I've participated in over the years. I can honestly say that Nichole Heady is the kindest, most caring boss I've ever worked for and not only that, her work ethic is unparalleled. She doesn't ask us to do anything that she's not willing to do herself and to top it all off, her creativity astounds me....even 3 1/2 years later. My job with Papertrey is something I consider to be a tremendous blessing...I'm extremely grateful for every opportunity that Nichole, Jane & Julie have given me.
When reminiscing about the past few years, I'm reminded of the first CHA I ever attended and how star struck I was, at seeing so many industry "superstars" that I'd been following online for so long. Nichole pretty much laughed at me the entire time! Haha. I'll never forget a year or two after that, the night before one of those CHA Supershows was about to start....all of us on the design team that were there, as well as Nichole, worked late into the night in our hotel room, creating garlands to hang in the booth as a finishing touch the next morning. It was so fun to be crafting with my sweet friends -- we'd never gotten to do that before, all of us in the same room together. As I recall, we were all a bit slap-happy at that point too, and the laughter that ensued still makes me smile to this day. I've certainly had many great moments with Papertrey over the years and I look forward to many, many more."
CLICK HERE to see more about Dawn McVey's favorite project & products.
Debbie Olson has been with us for the LONG haul, all five years, all sixty product releases, our CHA travels and so much more. One of my favorite things about Debbie is the amazing, seemingly effortless "polish" she puts on every single project. You can just look at an unlabeled project and instantly know that it is a Debbie Olson creation. It remains to be said that her Copic coloring talent is at a level of it's own, something that I myself try to improve upon with the gentle guidance to shares regularly on her blog. Debbie is a true gem and someone that will always be one of the "most valuable players" on our team!
"I've been blessed to be with Papertrey Ink from the beginning, way back when there was only ONE stamp set a month! My favorite PTI memories have been when the whole team is together--not only the designers, including Nichole, but also Jane and Julie, whom most of you have not met. That first CHA Consumer show was QUITE a memory-maker. Seeing the crowd lined up outside the PTI booth, and helping in the never-ending restocking efforts, I began to see what a creative force Papertrey Ink had become. It was wonderful to meet so many customers whom we'd "met" before only in the forum or on blogs, but who seemed like friends we'd always known."
CLICK HERE to see more about Debbie Olson's favorite project & products.
Erin Lincoln is associated with out-of-the-box creativity and a quick wit, both of which come through her many contributions to Papertrey over the last two years. She is truly gifted in transforming simple images into unconventional works of art and making unique product pairings that leave you inspired to go through your stash more often and use more of it! Erin single-handledly operated Papertrey Radio last year as well as many of the developments wit our Make It Monday series. She has an incredibly easy-going personality that makes you feel like your with "the girl next door" and make a connection quickly. Erin is a gem, an irreplaceable and important part of our team. I feel so lucky to have the opportunity to work with her and *hopefully* allow a little of her talent rub off on me!
"Although I've been on the design team for two years now (started February 2010), when listing traits for myself, a stamper and a designer is actually pretty far down on the list. There so many more things that go on during the day that take priority--wife, mother, friend, daughter, sister, wild woman trying to hold it all together by the skin of her teeth. And so, I pretty much just go about my daily life like the rest of you do. One day, I was doing just that when I took my kids to a splash park this past summer. Here I am, running after two toddlers in your typical mom tankini and sporting the typical post pregnancy weight, hair soaking wet and in my face, sunscreen smeared all over because I never seem to get it all rubbed in, looking like I have chicken pox because mosquitoes really really like me in the summer, and probably looking all out exasperated at my offspring when a blue moon seemed to rise over the summer afternoon. I hear an, "Are you Erin Lincoln?" from one of the fellow moms at the splash park. Let me tell you, getting recognized never happens. As a group, stampers are a small percentage of the population. Compound that with stampers who are PTI fans, and your pool of people is minimal. And so, I had a lovely conversation with Sherry from New Jersey, trying to fight all my impulses to run and cover myself with a towel. What can I say, I'm a girl. Sometimes vanity takes over and you wish you could have made the best impression possible. But in the same vain, it had a certain level of comedy to it, which is how I tend to roll. Got to just go with it. Sherry, it was very nice to meet you. Let's do it again sometime. I'll make sure I'll have a little make-up and more clothing on next time."
CLICK HERE to see more about Erin Lincoln's favorite project & products.
Heather Nichols is one of those people that you quickly come to know as a go-getter. When she puts her mind to something, nothing is going to stand in her way. It is one of the things I love most about Heather through the five years that we have gotten to work together. Not only do these attributes apply to her work with us, but also with her personal life and all she does for both of her daughters and the rest of her family. Heather is definitely a designer with a love for all things vintage and I have always admired the way that she is able to embrace that love and turn the entire traditional vintage style into something all her own with a rustic twist. Heather's dedication in staying with us since the beginning, dedicating herself to us for five years, is a true reflection of her much appreciated loyalty.
"I have been with Papertrey Ink from the very beginning and it is such a part of me that I really couldn't imagine my life with out it now. I honestly can say that I LOVE my job from designing stamp sets, creating projects, blogging & video tutorials, brainstorming new ideas, and working with the design team girls and Nichole, Jane & Julie. This is a dream job for me and I have Papertrey Ink to thank for the opportunity to live it out. I so look forward when we can get together in person at CHA or at Stamp-a-Faire, etc. (we need to make it more than once a year to see each other!) We all work hard, but there is so much fun mixed into it too. There are so many fun things to look back on - phone calls with Mish about everything under the sun, knowing if I need ANYTHING that Nichole is a phone call away, release week procrastination phone calls with Dawn, entertaining flight attendants with Betsy on our flight to Cincinnati, fun little mementos & memories from dinners and get togethers - I have laughed until my sides split so many times, girls on the team getting me through a particularly rough patch, great mail surprises throughout the year - I count the our monthly release boxes in that one, and so much more I could go on and on. Looking back makes me look forward to what's ahead with great excitement! There are so many wonderful memories and moments yet to come. Happy 5th anniversary, Papertrey Ink, I am so honored to able to say that I am part of such a fabulous company!"
CLICK HERE to see more about Heather Nichols' favorite project & products.
Jessica Witty joined us just over a year ago, but her sense of humor has already happily infiltrated every corner of our private team forum. No, and I mean no one, has every made me laugh out loud as often, and to think its just from reading her written words on the screen. I have always appreciated Jessica's clean & simple approach to paper crafting, her modern sense of color & design. These things are the main reasons why I asked her to join the team. She has exceeded every single expectation I had for her as a member of the team and I feel as though she continues to raise the bar for herself. When I think of Jessica, I think of smiles, sunshine and lots of bright colors splashing across the screen. I think about how fortunate we are to count her as a member of our team.
"This year my Papertrey experience seemed to be about the Papertrey people and products inspiring me to strectch myself creatively. The project I chose as my favorite feels one that is closest to my true style, but so many of my other favorite projects and memories from this year were about being inspired to try new things. The Garden Variety set sparked the idea for the mint cake pots... the Fruit Fusion sets finally gave me the inspiration to try fancy cookies... the Happy Trails set brought about watercoloring... a suggestion from Nichole sparked my Rolodex gratitude journal. Every time I'd try something new I'd also get nervous that it would turn out to be a giant failure and right about then, I'd get an encouraging email from Nichole or a comment from one of the other DT gals! I've loved the freedom, encouragement, and friendship involved in this year's creative adventure!"
CLICK HERE to see more about Jessica Witty's favorite project & products.
Lisa Johnson is one of the original team members as well, starting with us way back in February of 2007 when she created projects for our first stamp set, Paper Tray. One of the things I think about most when I think about all of the years I have worked with Lisa is her growth. She has grown so much as a designer, slowly allowing her true style to emerge and be the best it can be. Through her I have learned so much and have been inspired on numerous occasions. Her dedication to her family is incredibly admirable and definitely one of her many traits that I look up to. With that being said, Lisa will be stepping back from her responsibilities on the Senior Design Team and will instead be focusing on a lighter work load within the capacity of the Release Team. This was an important decision for her as she evaluates her family life and her commitment to put them first. I am so appreciative that she is staying on with us, but admittedly will miss her contributions to the newsletter along with the other responsibilities she is relinquishing.
"I've been with Papertrey Ink from the very beginning! I've gathered so many fond memories while I've journeyed alongside as they've grown. Papertrey has become family to me. I am constantly in awe of the progression, passion, and strength of this fine company. I have far too many memories that are "favorites" to be honest... but I will say that Stamp-A-Faire was a huge highlight! If you all could have seen (from the backstage) the heart and soul that was poured into that event... the planning... the detail! Your breath would have been taken away! Nichole constantly put little details into things with the sole purpose of making the guests feel special. Amazing! Spending more time in person with my fellow Sr. design team members, Julie, Jane, and Nichole was incredible too...even though I do turn into a bit of a spaz when I get no sleep. (Beyond silly... *sigh*) And... meeting so many of YOU!!! I was gifted with several sweet, lovely, and unexpected handmade goodies from attendees! Man... was I glad that I’d thought to make a few extra felt flower pins as a "thank you" just in case someone had made something. It was so fun to "swap" some handmade love! It was truly a wonderful time in my life that I will always cherish!"
CLICK HERE to see more about Lisa Johnson's favorite project & products.
Maile Belles is someone who has quickly risen to the top in regards to her position within the paper crafting community. I remember the first time I ran across her blog and how awe-sinspired I was by no only one or two projects she had created, but EVERY. Single. One. Maile has the uncanny ability to take just a stamp or two, thrown in with a few dies, and create something so unexpected, so fresh, so unique, yet always in an amazing simple & streamlined way. From experience, I know that sometimes the simpler the project, the more time execution can take, which leads me to admire Maile and the way she creates these types of projects over and over again, completely flawlessly. She is such a strong designer that I respect and look forward to working with for many years to come.
"Sometimes I find myself still in awe of the fact that I am part of the Papertrey Ink Design Team. I mean... How luck am I to work with such talented and heartwarming ladies?! Ever since joining the team (gosh, exactly two years ago already!) I’ve been surrounded by the kindest people around. Of course, I do love the supply boxes that come to my door step every month, but the support from these ladies behind the scenes is something I will cherish for a lifetime."
CLICK HERE to see more about Maile Belles' favorite project & products.
Melissa Phillips manages to add a sprinkle of this and a dash of that to each of her projects, creating little paper wonderlands that you just want to climb inside. Melissa's magic is one of her best attributes and she is able to add it to al of her creations, whether playing with fabric, paper, wood or any other medium. Who knew die-cut corrugated cardboard could look so good? I have asked Melissa to step into Lisa's vacated senior team position and Melissa has graciously accepted. I know she will be amazing with her new responsibilities and tasks. Melissa truly proves the point that absolutely anything can be fixed or at least improved with just a sprinkle of glitter and a whole lot of love.
"My time with Papertrey Ink began in September of 2008. I was so nervous to be joining the team and felt incredibly inadequate. There are many, many times when I still feel inadequate, but the nerves are gone. They quickly disappeared as I came to realize what a special group of women I had the chance to associate with. I have never been part of such a warm and thoughtful design team. There is an incredible mix of personalities and I feel we all take on different roles in the little family that has been created. We have a sweet mother of the group, a prankster, a cheerleader, a fireball, a peacemaker, a sassy but sweet, a life of the party, etc. What I have loved most is the incredible level of respect I have encountered with each design team member and with the team as a whole We have had plenty of good laughs behind the scenes but with that we have also shared tears. I am so thankful for my time with Papertrey Ink and for my experiences with each of the wonderful women I have met. I have learned so much from every one of them."
CLICK HERE to see more about Melissa Phillips' favorite project & products.
Michelle Wooderson has a knack for making everything look effortless. Just put a little of that there, and a little of that here, stitch this, attach a button here... and voila! But we all know that it comes naturally to her because of the amazing designer's eye she possesses. I have long admired her unique approach to layouts, her layering, the mixing & matching she does, well... just about everything! Not only is Michelle talented beyond measure, she is also a fabulous person whether you refer to the little random acts of kindness she frequently sends off to friends or the priority she makes for both f her daughters, her "reds". I am honored to have Michelle as a part of our team and I know her creativity will just continue to flower & flourish for many years to come.
"Since my beginnings with Papertrey in July of 2008, we've had some great laughs. My favorite, funny moment with Papertrey was at CHA a few years ago during the Papertrey Supershow event. It was hard, hard work and very tiring by the time it was all said and done. We had a great time with the customers and it's always a good time when I get to see my Papertrey co-workers. Nichole's husband David is always a trooper. He's so calm and just works along at a steady pace. I always like to razz him a little bit just for fun. He was vacuuming the carpet in the booth one day and we were all frazzled because the electrical outlet only allowed the vacuum cord to reach about 10 feet. I devised a plan for David. I found some cardboard tubes that were leftover from some paper rolls we lined the make and take tables with. I added about 3 of the tubes to the end of the vacuum hose so that it extended about 15 feet. Viola, a solution for David. He could literally stand in one spot and vacuum the entire booth almost. We were all tired and slap happy by that time so we had a good laugh at that one!"
CLICK HERE to see more about Michelle Wooderson's favorite project & products.
While I have re-introduced all of our Design Team members, I also want to pay special tribute to my dear friend & assistant, Jennifer Ellefson. Jennifer is not only a dedicated, loyal employee but she also has a heart-of-gold that exudes more kindness than you can imagine. Having the opportunity to work with her on a daily basis is truly a treat and I am so grateful that we met when we did and were able to make such a special connection.
"My favorite memory with Papertrey Ink would have to be the time we spent in Chicago for CHA-S 2010. There's nothing like meeting people who share your passion! So many people that I 'knew' from the message board came up and introduced themselves - and it was like instant friendship! It's an amazing phenomenon, but it just goes to prove that this shared hobby of ours can make for fantastic friendships."
Jennifer has a new title & set of responsibilities with us as our Communications Director. This means that she will be acting as our official representative on our forum, she will be handling many of the responsibilities behind the scenes here on the blog as well as coordinating the events on our forum & prize winners information, organizing the newsletters and so much more. Basically representing a direct line of communication between the customers and the three owners. With these changes, she is stepping away from the majority of her customer service responsibilities to focus on her new tasks. We are excited to work with her in this capacity and we are quite certain that you will enjoy seeing more of her as she fulfills these responsibilities.
Pick one of the team members favorite projects from above to use as inspiration for your very own creation. Your project can draw from their layout, color scheme, technique or anything else that inspires you. If you are linking from your blog, I urge you to take this opportunity to write a little thank you note to these dedicated & talented gals. They do so much every single month and we are all so lucky to have the opportunity to freely use them as a muse in our own creative creations.
1. Create a new project inspired by one of the team's favorites from above.
2. Your project must use at least one Papertrey project.
3. Upload a photo of your project to your blog, online gallery or any other photo-hosting site (such as photobucket or flickr).
4. Add the direct link to your project on our InLinkz list :::::>HERE<:::::
5. You may create as many projects as you like for the challenge, but each project should have a separate link.
6. And/or you can leave a comment here to be eligible to win. Let us know how much you appreciate the design team and all the inspiration they provide month after the month! Only one comment per person please. (Just click the small "comments" link in blue beside the date in the footer of this post)
7. You have until 7am EST, Monday, February 6th to add your project link or comment and qualify for the contest.
In honor of our 5th Anniversary, each of the team members selected the TOP 5 Papertrey products that they simply cannot live without, as you noticed above! We have assembled all of their choices into one incredible prize package!
- Stampers Select White Cardstock
- Classic Kraft Cardstock
- Aqua Mist Cardstock
- Rustic Cream Cardstock
- Rustic White Cardstock
- Clearly Creative Clear Cardstock
- Aqua Mist Vintage Buttons
- Sweet Blush Vintage Buttons
- Raspberry Fizz Vintage Buttons
- Classic Kraft Vintage Buttons
- Spring Mix Buttons
- Poppy Baker's Twine
- Chocolate Baker's Twine
- Rustic Cream Button Twine
- Rustic Jute Button Twine
- 1/4" White Silk Ribbon
- Spring Moss stitched ribbon
- Pure Poppy ink
- Fresh Snow ink
- Tea Dye Duo inks
- Simply Chartreuse felt
- Aqua Mist felt
- Filigree Clear Embossing Powder
- Glassine bags
- Parisian Lace doily die
- Background Basics: Houndstooth stamp set
- Bells & Boughs stamps & dies
- Blooming Button Bits stamp set
- Rosie Posie stamp set
- Background Basics: Chevron Stripes stamp set
- Friendship Jar stamp sets & dies
- Button Boutique stamp set & dies
- Take Note stamp set
- Label Basics stamp set & dies
- Fillable Frames stamps & die collection
- Fancy Flourishes stamp set
- Gift Card Greetings Die
- Small Scalloped Border Die
- Love Lives Here stamp set
- Heart Border die
- Beautiful Blooms II #1 die collection
- Wreath for All Seasons stamp set
- Double Ended Banners die
- Mat Stack 4 die
- Woodgrain Impression Plate
- Background Basics: Text Style stamp set
- Banner Builder dies
- Loopsy-Daisy die collection
- Wine Bottle Tag die
- Vintage Labels stamp set
- Half & Half stamp set
- Half & Half dies
- Tiny Tags Collection (die and stamp sets)