David and I have been working all day packing a U-Haul trailer full of the different elements that will be used to build our booth. We pull out first thing at 6am this morning to make the 10 hour drive to Orlando. The kids have been dropped off at their grandparents for the week. I've arranged for my dearest neighbor to feed my cats and pick up my mail. Everything is just about ready to go!
For today's peek I thought I would show you our make & take schedule. Did you know that we will be hosting a whole SIX different projects over the course of the two days of the show? YEP! Debbie, Michelle and I will be taking turns! We can seat seven stampers at a time and the projects should only take about 10 minutes to make!
(click schedule to enlarge)
As a side note, I don't post many photos of myself and the headshot in the side bar is well over two years old, so I thought it might be a good idea to update you with a new photo (so you'll come up and say hi at the show and know who in the world you are talking to!). I had David snap a quick pic outside this morning before we left to run errands. Since my old headshot I've grown out my hair a little past my shoulders and have stopped straightening it, *trying* to embrace some natural curl I mysteriously gained after I started having babies! I wear it up a lot and will most likely be doing so at the show! (That may have been way more information than you wanted to know, but I thought I would share anyway!)
Be sure to stop by tomorrow as I share one last little preview for you before the live from CHA posts begin!