He pulls the cat's tail.
He likes to stuff whole rolls of toilet paper into the toilet.
He even flushes things DOWN the toilet that don't belong.
He colors on the walls with crayons.
He throws his food across the room.
He sticks foreign objects up his nose.
He just HAS to put his hand in his own poo every single time I change his dirty diaper! (UGH!)
He plays with the remote and changes the settings so we can no longer operate the tv.
He attempts to call foreign countries with the telephone.
He pours his milk into my new shoes.
He screams as LOUD as he possibly can whenever we're in the car.
He thinks "No" really means "Yes".
He gives me THE best hugs ever.
He can light up a room with his smile.
He is starting talk. Can't wait for "mama".
He has the bluest eyes that twinkle when he recognizes you.
He crinkles his adorable little nose when he thinks something is funny.
He plays with Matchbox cars with an amazing sense of concentration for his age.
He like to lay his head on my shoulder when he gets sleepy. (His head fits just right, like a puzzle piece falling into place.)
Gotta love this little guy.